the latest on google fiber for apex
The following is a response by Apex Town Manager Bruce Radford to a question about the status of Google Fiber for Apex.
I think I can help you with this one. Let's go back in time for some background. When Google was searching for one place in the US to begin installing fiber Apex was in the hunt. Apex did not change the name of the Town to Googleville for a day or encourage people to name their children Google. Apex offered free use of 4000 Town owned utility poles and hundreds of miles of road rights of way. Apex offered to hire a person as a single interface with Google to expedite the construction process and eliminate obstacles.
As a result, Apex was included in the top 10 places in the country for final consideration by Google. Alas, Google went elsewhere. Next came the Next Generation process. This was a closed group. Municipalities had to meet specific criteria. Their city limits must touch Raleigh or they must have a four year University in their city. That excluded Apex. Undaunted by this seemingly abritrary rule, Apex complete the exhaustive application and submitted. Apex once again offered the aforementioned incentives. The application was not considered as Apex did not meet the minimum criteria.
Google Fiber is currently under construction in Morrisville and Cary. In a recent meeting with a Google official, Apex was told Google Fiber will come to Apex. No timeframe was provided. My belief is we will not have to wait too long for there to be significant progress. In the meantime no stone will be left unturned to achieve this goal. Apex will make and take any opportunity to make GoogleApex a reality. I hope this information is helpful.
Read the entire thread on the Apex Examiner Facebook page.
I think I can help you with this one. Let's go back in time for some background. When Google was searching for one place in the US to begin installing fiber Apex was in the hunt. Apex did not change the name of the Town to Googleville for a day or encourage people to name their children Google. Apex offered free use of 4000 Town owned utility poles and hundreds of miles of road rights of way. Apex offered to hire a person as a single interface with Google to expedite the construction process and eliminate obstacles.
As a result, Apex was included in the top 10 places in the country for final consideration by Google. Alas, Google went elsewhere. Next came the Next Generation process. This was a closed group. Municipalities had to meet specific criteria. Their city limits must touch Raleigh or they must have a four year University in their city. That excluded Apex. Undaunted by this seemingly abritrary rule, Apex complete the exhaustive application and submitted. Apex once again offered the aforementioned incentives. The application was not considered as Apex did not meet the minimum criteria.
Google Fiber is currently under construction in Morrisville and Cary. In a recent meeting with a Google official, Apex was told Google Fiber will come to Apex. No timeframe was provided. My belief is we will not have to wait too long for there to be significant progress. In the meantime no stone will be left unturned to achieve this goal. Apex will make and take any opportunity to make GoogleApex a reality. I hope this information is helpful.
Read the entire thread on the Apex Examiner Facebook page.