This website is a result of one voter's desire to vote responsibly in the 2015 elections - to learn as much as I could about each of the candidates in order to make an informed choice. I figured if I was having trouble learning what I needed to know about the candidates, probably others were too.
To the best of my ability, I gathered as much factual information about each candidate as possible and displayed it here in tabular form to make it easier to compare and contrast the candidates.
I plan to do this for municipal elections in the future. Feel free to contact me directly if you have suggestions for additional categories of information. I will do my best to only post verifiable, factual information.
Between elections, I will tabulate motions and votes from each Town Council meeting. This should help make it easier to see how incumbents have voted in the past and provide another set of data come election time.
Please provide feedback here.
Thank you,
Paul Levering
To the best of my ability, I gathered as much factual information about each candidate as possible and displayed it here in tabular form to make it easier to compare and contrast the candidates.
I plan to do this for municipal elections in the future. Feel free to contact me directly if you have suggestions for additional categories of information. I will do my best to only post verifiable, factual information.
Between elections, I will tabulate motions and votes from each Town Council meeting. This should help make it easier to see how incumbents have voted in the past and provide another set of data come election time.
Please provide feedback here.
Thank you,
Paul Levering