I wish to offer my thoughts on Bill Jensen's re-election.
Bill has stood for the following:
He is a genuine environmentalist, a real dedicated tree-hugger. Every Council needs at least one of those.
Because of him, Apex has numerous subdivisions and commercial sites that have better buffers and screenings.
Bill was the originator of walkways in our power line easements.
Thanks to Bill, Apex's streams enjoy wider buffers which filters and slows ground water runoff.
Bill is the first Chairman of the Town's Economic Development Committee, which is striving to recruit and attract commercial, job-creating businesses.
He has fought against high density residential developments, and has introduced policy that permanently alters the rules on how many units can be allowed in new Apex subdivisions.
Bill is an exception in that he does not accept donations, so no group owns him.
For these reasons, and others, Bill Jensen has earned your consideration to vote for him on Nov. 3rd.